Relief & Flare Studies
Relief and flare systems are critical defenses against catastrophic containment loss. Ensuring they meet your operational needs is essential. Relief and Flare Studies assess and optimize these systems to safeguard against equipment malfunctions, process upsets, and overpressure situations. They support the Process Safety Information (PSI) requirements of the Process Safety Management (PSM) standard and prevent incidents that could harm people and the environment. Smith & Burgess ensures your relief systems are properly designed, documented, and maintained, helping facilities comply with PSM [29 CFR 1910.119(d)] and EPA Risk Management Program [EPA 40 CFR68] standards.
Relief and Flare Study Services
Tailored Solutions for Evolving Facilities
At Smith & Burgess, we understand that many facilities have changed or expanded since their original opening, often without studying relief and flare systems during expansion, which can create critical points of failure in safety and compliance. With our extensive experience and a team of seasoned experts in process safety engineering, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to our client's unique needs and challenges. Our engineers are adept at designing flare systems to maximize safety while minimizing physical modifications to a facility. With a proper design, a facility can be certain its flare system is in a safe location for discharge as required for safe operation.
Customized Relief and Flare Studies
When it comes to Relief and Flare Studies, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Each facility presents its own complexities, from the processes involved to the specific materials handled. We work closely with our clients to understand their operations, identify potential hazards, and develop tailored solutions that meet regulatory requirements and exceed industry standards. We help minimize emissions and comply with subpart JA as applicable [40 CFR 60 Subpart JA].
Comprehensive Flare System Optimization
A flare study is based on a current relief system design and evaluation. Our engineers model flare systems to ensure any mitigations are well-planned while maximizing safety and minimizing capital expenditures. We offer a full spectrum of services to optimize safety and efficiency in flare systems while maintaining operational and maintenance flexibility. Whether conducting thorough risk assessments, performing detailed engineering analyses, or developing robust mitigation strategies, our team is equipped to handle the most complex challenges associated with flares in evolving facilities and a changing regulatory environment using precision and expertise.
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Relief System Analysis
Our relief system analyses comprehensively evaluate relief device sizing, design, and performance. Utilizing proven engineering tools and Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP), we ensure a facility’s safety while simultaneously providing compliance with corporate standards and regulatory requirements for PSI.
We ensure your facility complies with the Process Safety Information (PSI) requirements outlined in the PSM standard [29 CFR 1910.119 (d)] and the EPA Risk Management Program (RMP) [EPA 40 CFR68] using recognized engineering standards.
Flare System Analysis
Our flare system analysis services are based on decades of experience and focus on optimizing flare system design to utilize existing equipment and maintain operational and maintenance flexibility. We seek to maximize safety while minimizing environmental impact and cost. We evaluate flare header systems, flare stack design, and flare gas composition to ensure regulatory compliance and operational reliability. We help operators minimize emissions while achieving facility siting goals that provide a safe discharge location for relief devices as PSM standards and the RMP require.
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Concern Mitigation Planning
As facilities evolve, relief system evaluations often reveal potential gaps between RAGAGEP standards and installed systems. While RAGAGEP sets minimum acceptable standards for safety, achieving best practices ensures optimal performance and risk mitigation. Our mitigation planning services involve developing detailed plans to address identified risks and deviations from standards. Smith & Burgess works to ensure that a facility achieves optimal practices based on cost and ability, finding the balance between best practices and RAGAGEP minimums to maximize safety and efficiency.
Relief & Flare Systems Guidelines and Standards Development
Our Relief and Flare guidelines help a facility interpret the latest industry guidelines and standards into a set of easier-to-understand Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) as required by both OSHA (CFR 1910.119 - Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals) and the EPA Risk Management Program [EPA 40 CFR68]. Our standards are based on industry guidance set forth by organizations such as the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Energy Institute (EI), and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Our staff stays current on regulatory updates and best practices by participating in the committees that generate these standards and guidelines. Thus, we ensure our clients receive guidelines based on the latest, reliable recommendations for their relief and flare system needs.
Why Choose Smith & Burgess?
Our team comprises industry-leading professionals with extensive experience conducting relief and flare system studies for major operating facilities worldwide. We bring global insights and proven strategies to optimize safety and efficiency across diverse industrial environments.
From the initial assessment of a facility’s PSI status to implementing an evergreen program for ongoing support and follow-up, we are committed to providing the highest level of service and assistance, ensuring both operational continuity and safety at every stage.
We understand that every facility is unique and has evolved throughout its operation. We provide tailored recommendations and robust mitigation plans to meet each client’s needs and specific facility requirements, ensuring effective solutions for all situations.
As active members of the API Subcommittee for Pressure Relieving Systems (SCPRS) and the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Committee, we provide technical leadership, providing our staff with comprehensive understanding of best practices and regulatory requirements.
In today's increasingly complex industrial landscape, ensuring the safety and compliance of your facility is non-negotiable. With Smith & Burgess's Relief and Flare Studies, you can rest assured knowing that your operation is in capable hands. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation with our team of experts.